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  • Anonymous

    In times like these you need to get the best advice you can find about where the opportunities are and what to do to make money now.

    You’re lucky because you have Jack Miller watching out for you. As many of you know, for more than 70 years Jack Miller has been through economic downturns, many recessions, and even a depression – but he still prospered through it all.

    Jack has a keen ability to spot opportunities early so he can get in and make a fortune while others are still trying to figure out what to do next.

    Jack can tell when an economic train wreck is coming and change course on a dime to prevent financial ruin. He’ll let you know when the train is coming.

    Jack also has the ability to turn a so-so deal in to a fantastic deal. And he’s taught tens of thousands of students to do the same.

    The good news is Jack will be sharing all this advice with members. is the ONLY online source with access to Jack Miller’s wealth of knowledge. You won’t find Jack Miller’s advice anyplace else online.

    In times like these you’ll want to get your advice from someone like Jack – with years of experience in any type of economic environments.

    Stinky market? Heck no!

    These are the BEST of TIMES when you follow Jack Miller’s advice!!

    And the good news it’s going to get EVEN BETTER starting on December 1st!
    Here’s how:

    (1) We’ll have a new name starting December 1st ( shhh it’s a secret for now)
    (2) We’ll have a new price starting December 1st ( you’ll REALLY like it)
    (3) We’ll have NEW WAY for you to learn starting in December ( It will be FUN)

    The list goes on and on of new ways we’ll help you turn the lemons that this economy has dealt us in to sweet lemonade!

    I’ll have more details in the coming weeks. You’re going to love it! Be sure to keep an eye out for all emails with in the subject line. You’ll want to be the first to jump onboard.

    Let me tell you a little story to illustrate why these really are the BEST of Times for your real estate business:

    History has a way of repeating itself.

    Back in 1976 life was not good in America. Richard Nixon resigned in disgrace and Saigon had fallen to the Vietcong. The unpopular war in Vietnam caused our heroic Vets to come home to protests instead of cheering crowds.

    Sound familiar?

    Our nation was reeling from the effects of a two year recession. Unemployment was actually worse than it is today – nearly 8% or our workers were out of work.
    And to add insult to injury, inflation rates had soared to 17%. Our money had lost nearly one-fifth of its buying power in just two years.

    Sound familiar?

    Just when most investors thought things couldn’t get worse – things got worse.

    Given the laundry list of woes the country was in, millions of Americans were eager for “change” so in November 1976, they elected democrat Jimmy Carter as President.

    Sound familiar?

    Jimmy Carter raised taxes and enacted other extreme measures which caused the country to go even further in the hole. The bottom was no where in sight.

    Sound familiar?

    Now, you’d expect any fiscally conservative entrepreneur like Jack Miller to be deeply worried – even depressed – about the future at a time like that. But Jack and his followers were not depressed.

    Instead, they rolled up their sleeves and discovered the HIDDEN opportunities for what would soon become massive personal fortunes. They were smiling all the way to the bank.

    Because instead of obsessing over our country’s massive economic problems or fixating on how the new administration’s policies would only make matters worse, Jack spent his time uncovering huge opportunities.

    That sounds like good advice for you now!

    Jack knew that many investors had come to the conclusion that Washington couldn’t be trusted with the economy ( or anything else for that matter) – and that the ONLY way to save their wealth would be to take matters into their own hands.

    Sound familiar?

    It was at the beginning of this economic turmoil that Jack Miller created the Commonwealth Newsletter which was the first print newsletter to offer real estate entrepreneurs guidance and advice about how to control their own destiny and create massive wealth and cash flow so they could live a safe and secure lifestyle.

    Now, you can find Jack Miller’s reliable real estate advice online at

    The Moral of the Story:
    In every crisis, there is opportunity.
    The greater the crisis, the greater the opportunity.

    And at the NEW every week we will REVEAL exactly where the best opportunities are and where the dangers are lurking.

    Over the next few years you will see many real estate entrepreneurs explode their cash flow and their wealth. You will see vast new fortunes made by those who follow Jack Miller’s advice at

    I sure hope you’ll be one of them!

    But you can be sure that those new multi-millionaires are NOT wasting a moment obsessing about higher taxes, a socialist government, or the coming Obama depression.

    Instead, they will be following the advice at the NEW and sleep good at night knowing that Jack Miller will help them seize new opportunities, make fortunes and avoid mistakes.

    The future is full of money making opportunities!

    To Your Extreme Success,

    Jackie Lange,Manager

    P.S. This is not the time to throw in the towel. Obscene profits are right around the corner. Stick with and we’ll show you where to find them.

    P.P.S. The Tuesday conference call starts at:

    8 pm Eastern
    7 pm Central
    5 pm Pacific

    The call in number is:

    Access code 770292

    Mystery Guest!

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