Teachers and Students

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  • After our confrence call I came to this conculsion.

    Not all good students are great teachers, but all great teachers are good studens.

    All of my great teachers Jimmy, Jack, Pete, John, Mike Meeker( what are you up to?), Hank Herrenberg (What are you up to?) and recently Walter, and Jackie were and are great students.

    Thank you, a teacher I am not but proud to be your student.

    A thought, Dykes (sorry, also a great teacher) could you not use a $100.00 option conseration on a deal that we outlined in todays call, and put that into a retirement account and capture big gains in a very short period of time (the option between the seller and myself)? If so that could amp up and fund a retirement account fast. The end option would be great also, but a long term gain.

    P.S. Is there a way to get spell check on this site, my spelling is really bad?

    Thank you all

    Don Wede



    You’re a GREAT teacher. It gets easier with the volume of deals you do. Once you’ve got several of these buy back option under your belt we will get you on to teach about it again.

    there’s nothing like experience to make someone a good teacher.

    Thanks again for the GREAT information on the call. I’m sure it opened everyone’s eyes up to the TREMENDOUS opportunities with options.


    p.s. I’ll see if I can get a spell checker installed.

    p.p.s. we don’t care about spelling around here – we can all decipher easily

    Can you do options and contract for options in Texas?

    Randy Williams, Vero Beach,Fl


    Hi Randy

    Yes, you can do options and contract for options in Texas

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