Thank you David Tilney (Tenant Feed Back)

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  • I don’t know if my partner (wife) put the letter on the hassle free group forum or not, but We got a third letter from a tenant telling us about the yard work she has finished, pictures of the approved repaint they did in the living room, asked if they could dress up the fireplace since it can’t be used, asked if they could rebuild the fence that got cut down by the roads crew when they widened the road if we supply the chain link (they have poles) AND her dad wants to try to take down the tree that Irma left leaning on some other trees.
    THATS NOT WHAT TENANTS DO….is it? We are not as hands off with the tenants as David suggests, but his screening process and sit down tactic of moving in a tenant has gotten a “thank you” almost every time, better rents and a lot less problems. Every tenant we moved in since the class has given good feed back and called us as soon as a problem came up. My wife, the PM, gets a hug from every one of them and she even “retrained” an tough tenant that came with a subject-to we picked up two months ago.

    I’m so proud of her. Now that our houses, and cash flows, are back where they need to be, I can actually start paying her…

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