The Davinci Method

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    The DaVinci Method, by Garret LoPorto.

    If you?re among the 10% of the population having the extended DRD45-exon III gene, you take risks, love challenges, and can pretty much do whatever you set you mind to.

    And when you decide to get involved (and you do, a lot), you go at it with a vengeance. For you it?s 100% or nothing. There?s no in-between and nothing stops you.

    You know you?ll come out on top because you?ll do whatever it takes to get there, even if that means creating your own path, even if that ticks off others.

    Oh, and you love playing the hero when you?re not busy questioning authority, which you probably are most of the time.

    McGyver has nothing on you. Ideas come from your head with machine-gun fire frequency and you can?t make them stop (nor should you).

    And no, you?re not crazy or difficult or a loose cannon (my personal favorite), and it may not be ADHD or depression or whatever. It may be you?re a DaVinci.

    Check it out. It will blow your mind. Promise.

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