The fun continues – Panama Retreat.

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  • Four of the people who attended the Extreme Success Panama Retreat road the bus back to Boquete Panama with me. Tonight we went to an amazing restaurant owned by a celebrity chef from Italy. Great food and great friends! We have all had such a great time together.

    Seminars are not just about the information you learn, it’s about the networking opportunities and the friends you make who all have something in common…. the quest for financial freedom.

    THANK YOU to everyone who came to the Panama Retreat!

    Just catching back up from the great Retreat. It was truly amazing. Been berried in catch up but more importantly creating a top of the line website from the information from the seminar. For anyone who was not there put it on your to do list and go if the opportunity arises again.
    Don Wede

    It was a great time and meeting everyone there. Thanks Jackie for having us!

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