The Two Step

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  • Anonymous

    I found a house I’d really like to buy. The seller wants to sell it or trade for a house in Washington State. Value about $365,000

    I don’t have anything in Washington State so I’m thinking that trading 3-4 of my rentals in Dallas for the house I want. This would be a lot easier than trying to sell the houses first then buy what I want.

    Then I’ll have to find someone in Washington State who wants some great cashflow houses in Dallas.

    So, in the end the original seller will get what they want, I’ll get what I want, and the investor in Washington State will get what they want… it will just take Two Steps.

    The seller is ok with this strategy.

    Now, I’ve got to find the investor in Washington STate who wants to exchange for some houses in Dallas.

    I could send out an email blast …..

    I can contact exchange companies….

    But after that, I’m not sure where to go.

    Any ideas?

    If the Washington deal is one you don’t want to lose and if the seller has a relatively short fuse in terms of time for closing, you may be able to negotiate an intermediate step. Tying it up with a lease with option can give you more time to put your exchange together.

    Initially I don’t have any brilliant sources of buyers – the REIA’s, exchangors, Ebay and other internet resources, etc. come quickly to mind but you may get more interest at each resource you use by expanding the offering to those who want a passive investment if you offer to do the management on the Dallas properties.


    The house I want is not in Washington. It’s actually out of the country. I have a right of first refusal option.

    Selling my rentals to acquire the property will not be a tax free exchange for me.

    But the person who acquires the properties in Dallas could do an exchange.

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