The Weirdest Things You Ever Saw

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  • As real estate investors, we see all kinds of strange things.

    I went to talk to a motivated seller. She met me at the door in a see-through nightie. Her air conditioner broke in the middle of summer in Texas and she was trying to stay cool. I later found out that she was a prostitute who hurt her back (on the job) and could not work for a few months so she got behind on her payments… she was 60 something.

    I saw a meth lab in a mobile home. And another mobile home had pot growing in a back bedroom, complete with black lights.

    A snake came slithering out the garage door when I opened it up at a house that had been vacant for 14 years. By the way, that house still had dirty dishes in the sink – from 14 years ago.

    got a call from a lady who inherited a house. She insisted on getting $600! I went to check it out. no door. It was a crack house. I used Kentucky Fried chicken to lure out the occupants then had my contractor board it up until I wholesaled it for $5k

    The most gross was a house that the toilets were both broke because the owner was so large he broke them so he pooped in the bath tub and peed on the walls anywhere in the house. There was also porn all over the place in the house. I threw up after seeing that one! The owner was huge. His toe nails curled under his feet because he was too big to reach them to trim his nails and he could not put on shoes. sad but true.

    The list goes on and on…

    what are some of the strangest things you’ve seen?


    I though my house full of dead cats was a bad one. Anyone else have a story to share.

    A real VOO DOO doll placed at the entrance of my first L/H mobile home (sorry, I can’t be PC today, it was a single wide trailer) & lots of strange graffiti along with many needles (and no one was diabetic). That was definitely a bad divorce situation. Due to a divorce related issue, I had two days to buy so I did. Gotta find the voo doo doll photos in my computer.

    Just when you think you’ve seen everything… a voo doo doll! wow

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