There are no investing clubs in my immediate area; should I drive the hour to the nearest club?

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  • I’d check it out. You never know who you will find at the meeting that you can work with in your area. Be warned though, I think the club I am in has over 150 members, about 30 of which regularly show up to the meetings.

    I’d ask anyone you can find (realtors, managers, etc) in this field about a group closer to your area. If there really isn’t an existing one, maybe there is an opportunity to get one going.


    some investment clubs are worthless – and really just one sales pitch after anohter.

    Others are very good.

    You’ll never know until you check it out.

    Jackie, or…?
    Per the wholesale lessons; I am trying to find an invstmt club to join; but the nearest one seems to be an hour drive away; I don’t find any for my area…..

    Does this make sense to drive that distance/etc…? They have 350 member; per their website info…my area shows zero in internet searches etc….Although I do know many invstors and I know various exchange certified agents (including myself)..but no one has any meetings/networking set up apparently….

    Any suggestions for next best step w/this lesson?


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