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  • Anonymous

    A tenant moved out over the weekend.

    they took the refrigerator, washer, dryer, microwave
    and left the house a mess.

    It had brand new carpet and paint when they moved in a year ago

    It now has dog poop all over the place
    dark purple walls in the kitchen ( except where the frig was – they just painted around it)
    lime green in the hall way
    yellow in the bedroom

    Lease said no painting without my permission
    Lease also said NO PETS

    I could try to track them down and sue them – but they don’t have any money anyway

    When I called the city to turn on the utilities today I found out they have a $800 outstanding utility bill ( luckily I’m not in one of those towns where I get stuck with the bill)

    Oh — by the way, the city did not want to turn on the utilities for me because I could not fax them a deed with my name on them — it took a long time to try to explain trusts to the supervisor.

    These ladies always paid on time until 2 months ago.

    When they would not return my call, I called her MOM to find out what was going on. ( that’s why you get nearest relatives phone numbers on the lease applications)
    Mom called them and I had the money in 2 hours.

    They paid October 15th and gave a 30 day notice.

    I talked to them last week to give me a call to schedule a time to pick up the keys and do a walk through inspection

    they never called. Needless to say, they won’t be getting their deposit back.

    I should file a claim against them in small claims court anyway so I can get a judgment — maybe I’ll get the money eventually.

    This is so discouraging! You provide a great place for people to live with new carpet and perfect appliances. Anytime they call my repair guy, we take care of everything in a day. We provide below market rents. And then they do something like this to you!

    I’m not including appliances in any rentals again.


    That’s a real horror story. Sure glad I just got back from David Tilney’s Hassle Free Property Mgmt course! While not 100% foolproof, we learned how to truly screen applicants and qualities to look for and it’s lots BETTER than my current tenant screening.

    And got to meet lots of regular Tues night conference call participants too.



    Sorry to here this was one of yours. I read it twice last night and figured you had copied it from one of your students and overlooked saying that. OUCH – that hurts!

    More reason for all of us to resist temptation after hearing sob stories of prospective tenants and holding firm on BIG $$$ (deposit) to get into a rental.



    I just put a new oven, dishwasher and microwave/hood in a house. The fridge is old and I am not including washer and dryer. Even though they are new, I am not guaranteeing them (per David’s lease). Are you saying you won’t put any appliances at all?

    I have a judgment that I am ignoring for 2-3 years (I have 7 and can file for another 7) and letting the dust settle. When he’s forgotten about me, I’ll find him and get some cash.



    I’ve been to David’s class several times and use his system to screen tenants and collect rents.

    These people passed the smell test a year ago — but the economy has changed and desperate people will do desperate things.

    Greg ,

    I’m not including any appliances that can easily walk away again. They do get a stove and dishwasher — that’s it.

    Remember, it is extremely important to list the make, model and serial number of all appliances you do provide on the lease agreement.

    If it is not on the lease agreement, they can say they did not exist.

    If it is on the lease agreement, you’ve got proof that they were stolen.

    Unfortunately, the police will not even get involved in these kinds of cases — they call it a domestic dispute.
    Can you believe it? This is a $1600 theft as far as I’m concerned.

    But you can sue them in small claims court – but the best you can hope for is a judgment that might get paid years down the road.




    I got a $600 deposit on this property and that won’t even come close to paying for the appliances – let alone the painting and cleaning that needs to be done.

    I’m actually considering renting it the next time with a $100 deposit if they take it AS IS and do all the cleaning and painting. I’m running an ad on craigslist for that now and the phone is ringing off the hook

    If I were aksing for a $600 deposit for a house in perfect condition – I’m absolutely sure I wuld not be getting this kind of response.

    So — next time you get a nasty house SELL or RENT it AS IS for a fast ( and cheaper) turn around

    At the same time I’m running the for rent ad, I’m running one to sell AS IS with seller financing and $500 down —

    Both ads are getting a tremendous response.

    In times like these – people sure don;t mind doing a little cleaning and painting to get a reduced deposit ro down payment.

    In times like these – we all need to look for ways to reduce our turn around time and reduce repair costs — and renting or selling AS IS will do that for you.

    Try it, you;ll like it


    Great ideas on how to reduce our out of pocket $$$ in these slower times.

    Will try it first house that fits.



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