Tony Alvarez Conference Call

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  • Anonymous

    WOW! What a great conference call with Tony Alvarez.

    I learned that during the last “down” market in California he made $10,000,000 in less than 7 years. Then he retired until he saw the same kind of market come back again.

    Do you think you can learn a thing or two from this guy?

    And when he made is last fortune, he started with no money, no credit and a recent bankruptcy.

    He didn’t let that get in the way and you should not either.

    Join us in Vegas May 22 – 24th for the CashFlowDepot Convention to learn how it he did it all by building relationships with REO Brokers who fed him deals.

    He’ll teach you how you can build relationships with REO Brokers, and make YOUR fortune by taking advantage of the opportunities in this housing market.

    The replay will be available in THE DEPOT on Wednesday afternoon.

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