Top Ten Traits

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    This is a copy of a blog post I read — it is titled “Top Ten Traits of an Internet Marketer” seems to apply to real estate investors too… what do you think?

    This is rewrite to an article I wrote recently?its been modified substantially to reflect some new observations. Hope you enjoy?.please leave your own thoughts on this topic!

    Over the years I have had the opportunity to work with or closely observe a few people who I felt were world-class in the way they approached not only their work, but life in general. In every case these people had achieved extraordinary results in their chose profession and would be considered by most observers to be highly successful. As I worked with or observed each of these individuals, patterns began to emerge in the way they approached life and their work. These patterns fascinated me and I began documenting them and applying them to my own life. Interestingly enough, each of these patterns, or behaviors, can directly impact your efforts to make a great living online. In fact, I think they are essential to the make up of a serious entrepreneur. Here they are:

    1. Know Thyself
    Perhaps the greatest achievement that any of us can obtain while here on Earth is to gain an understanding of who we really are. This is a lifelong goal that takes a measurable investment of time and energy. The most successful people I know have spent real time, real dollars, and real energy trying to understand how they are created, the things that they do well, how they fit into the world, what their greatest gifts and abilities are. By contrast, some of the most self-absorbed people I lack the courage to honestly confront who they really are. Without turning inward to really confront who you are, you can never turn outward and take your best skills and abilities to the world with any effectiveness.

    2. Take Full Responsibility For Your Success
    The reality is that no one on Earth is responsible for your success but you. There are people from every conceivable situation, birthplace, economic condition, and physical handicap that have overcome barriers to be successful. Clearly if one can do it?others can too. So, your surroundings (or environment) is not the determining factor in reaching your definition for success. This act of taking responsibility for your life is fundamental and foundational to achieving any lasting success. The government, your parents, your current employer, your spouse?none of these entities are responsible for your success. You must be willing to accept 100% of the results that show up in your life. Only then will you have the ability to change.

    3. Clearly State What You Want
    It is surprising how many people do not know what they want out of life. Do you? Can you clearly define what you want your life to look like in 6 months, 2 years, 10 years? If not, then you are not yet being intentional about creating the life that YOU want. This is a crucial step, because without clearly defining what you want, your efforts will always be diffused and scattered. In fact, you will end up getting distracted and actually working your entire life creating another persons vision for your life?rather than your own.

    4. Know Why You Want The Goal
    Once you have defined what you want to achieve you must take one more additional step. You must very clearly explain to yourself why you want this goal. The reasons must be emotional, foundational, and very meaningful. These are the reasons that you are willing to sacrifice to reach our ultimate goal. These are the big reasons why you do what you do. Most people never have the courage to dig in and figure these reasons out. Successful people do.

    5. Unwavering Focus On The Goal
    In our culture it has become almost popular to talk about how busy and distracted we all have become. In fact, many entrepreneurs do this almost as a badge of honor, as if being busy and distracted is proof that you are really doing something of value. But the successful people I have observed are not like this. In fact they are very focused?on just the activities and projects that really matter. The rest they delegate to others or cut off all together. Without a doubt the biggest determinant of your success will be the ability to focus your time and energy on the one or two activities at a time that can help you achieve your goals.

    6. Detachment
    The ability to remove yourself from the situation and observe your life from afar is a special skill that can be developed. I call it the ?Observer? pattern and it can help give you perspective and insight into situations. Many of the most successful people I know take time to evaluate not only their life, but daily interactions with others, looking for ways to improve.

    7. The Courage of a Lion
    Courage is the ability to face your fears, whether they be real or imagined, with strength. Fear has no place in the life of a true entrepreneur. Facts and observations?yes. Fear?no. I have never met a true entrepreneur who operated out of fear. So, if you are operating out of a fear mindset you must address that and begin understanding how to transition to more of a positive motivation mindset. More on this in future articles.

    8. Graciousness
    If you are truly focused on goals that matter greatly to you, and you have spent the time and energy required to know yourself deeply, then you then their is a peace that comes about. Suddenly you don?t have to grasp for glory or significance in your workplace or in life in general. The approval of men seems to lose its significance and you feel free to accomplish that which you were meant to bring to the world. I?ve seen this in the men and women who I consider world-class and am attempting to emulate in my own life. Its a kind of graciousness and kindness that comes from knowing why you are here?and knowing how you fit in.

    9. Resilience
    Bumps in the road come about no matter who you are. In fact, many writers and philosophers feel that the struggles in life are the times of the most substantial and meaningful growth. That is true only if you persevere. If you give up when the tough times come in life and business then you may have missed the lesson in it all.

    10. Honesty
    The last characteristic of the world-class people is honesty. This last characteristic is the sister to the first characteristic: Know Thyself. Once you have invested in knowing yourself and you understand your greatest strengths and abilities?then you have a choice to make. The choice is what to do with them. Many times your strengths and abilities were given to you for a specific reasons?a purpose. If you have found your purpose then the dilemma becomes moving from your current reality into one where you are living your purpose?and that takes honesty. You must be honest with your self and the world around you. In fact, the people that I respect the most are successful primarily because they are living lives of intellectual and moral honesty. You may not agree with their choices or their lifestyle, but they are in fact people who are completely honest about who they are and what they plan to accomplish. I respect that. And I think that is their ultimate secret of success.

    Bonus Point!
    ?you have been persistent and read all 10 points. Hooray! Now you must start to implement them. No real change occurs without action. Take point #1 and begin right now to list out the ways you will begin investing time and energy to Know Thyself!


    Good timing on that Top 10 Traits article !! Super reminder for me.


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