What’s Your Plan for the New Year?

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  • I was going through some of Lonnie Scruggs’ articles and found this one which is very appropriate


    I’m working on a new article for cashflowdepot which stresses the importance of creating multiple streams of income which can last a lifetime or even multiple generations.

    I did not realize until I started doing my Panama Relocation Tours how most people who reach retirement age are flat broke, no savings, and only have social security to live in. If they stay in the US or Canada they know they will need to continue working the rest of their life, so they are looking at Panama as an alternative so they can actually retire on their small pension or Social Security check.

    When I do the tours, I always get an emergency contact and a list of medications for each tour guests… just in case there is an emergency. And I did not realize until I did the tours how medicated people from the US are. Most people who come on my tour take 10 pills a day. Even people in their 40s and 50s. That’s crazy.!

    So, in addition to focusing on building wealth and cash flow, it is equally important to focus on your HEALTH so you an live long enough to enjoy your wealth.

    I wonder how many of those people would be healthier if they cut back on the pills?

    Hey mac

    you are exactly right!

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