wholesale;some troubles with/questions re: choosing a ‘farm’ ….?

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  • In learning how to do wholesale; per Jackie’s book…she says to choose an area to find run down/vacant houses in that are 15 min or so near me….
    I am not sure if I can find an area near me that has much to offer of that type; I live in on the Calif coast; and the nearest town is in pretty good shape; overall, with houses….

    but, if I were to drive 30-40 min further away; I would be in Ventura County/
    city and Ojai; and parts of those towns do seem to have more run down/neglected houses than does my immediate area (I am based in the countryside so I will have to drive a minimum of 10 min to get to the nearest town, anyway…. But, I wonder if I should target those towns in the next county over/from me since they have some run-down areas, instead of my local county?

    Also, per her suggestion, I called our local bldg dept to see if we have any lists of condemned/redtagged properties…and any of our gov’t meetings w/the owners; so that I could take some contracts/buy and sell to my investors; but I have learned that our gov’t process does not do things that way here ; they told me that they deal individually w/the owners; that there is ‘no list’, and that it is strictly kept a confidential matter between the owner and the gov’t anyway. When i told them I would like to buy properties w/that type of problem; and that I could solve the problems for the owners/for the gov’t ; they told me I would have to just find houses w/tags on them (I have only seen one or two red tagged houses in the past 10 years here) and then contact the owners myself; or , they said, ‘maybe you need to contact the lenders’.

    Anyway; I am thinking, again, that perhaps I should focus on the market just south of me; which is Ventura County; where there likely are more condemned/redtagged/derelict houses….
    But it would involve a 30-45 min drive, min…..

    But, even here, where I am , sitting smack dab on the county line between both counties….I will likely need to drive 20 -30 min to find neighborhoods that are somewhat, every now and then, run down…..

    I guess I am just not sure which way to go at this pt; ie where to focus my efforts to find ppts to creatively negotiate.
    I have my investors lined up; I have my paperwork, and now need to find the houses..

    I will take dave tilney’ s class; so will learn how to do that; perhaps in this mrkt /my area for now; it might work best? (there are lots of second homes/vacation homes in my area, and it is apparently the highest priced housing market in calif; for what it’s worth; so will I have to tweak some of the techniques to fit this type of demographic a little more?…or is it better to drive further to find markets that do have some run down houses/neighborhoods etc…?

    Any suggestions…?

    thk you

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