Every House Tells A Story

Topics: Deal Stories

When I was cleaning out and packing up my office for the move to Panama, I realized how many stories are behind each one of the deals I have done, a little more than 1,000 deals in 16 years! I looked through some of the files from previous deals and could usually remember the details of that house and the sellers circumstance.

A long time ago, i got the domain name www.everyhousetellsastory.com with the intention that someday I’d write a book of my favorite real estate deals – that will probably never happen… but

I thought it would be fun to make Monday our DEAL STORY day. I’ll start it out with some of my deal stories but I’d really like for you to share some of your deals with the group too.  There are valuable lessons to learn with each Deal Story.

Please send your deal stories to [email protected]

With your permission, I’ll include your name. If you’re prefer that I don’t share your name I will not.

The more details the better. People want to know

1. how did you get the lead
2. what was the sellers circumstances
3. what solution did you come up with — why
4. where there other solutions you considered
5. what was the purchase price vs. the retail value & what were repair costs
6. what was your exit strategy — why — how long was the turn around time
7. any other details you’d like to share

I will post the deal stories in the BLOG section at www.CashFlowDepot.com. You will be able to search DEAL STORY to find them.

Tell us about your favorite deals!  Start reading the DEAL STORY section to learn creative ways to put deals together.

Best of Success,
Jackie Lange


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