
Topics: Mobile Homes

    Well folks, another year of your life is history and you’re about to enter a brand new year. I hope 2008 was a good year for you. It was a great year for me, and I expect 2009 to be even better.  

    But one thing is for sure, regardless what kind of year it’s been, none of us will get a second chance to use last years time again. Time is the one thing that shows no favoritism and no discrimination. We all get the same amount, and we all get to choose how we spend it. Time is like money…we can spend it wisely, or we can waste it foolishly. But unlike money, time can’t be compounded, put in a bank, given to someone else, or carried over to the next year. You only get one chance to use it, and once it’s gone, your life will be that much shorter.  

    Close your eyes and visualize. If you could turn the clock back one year, what would you do different that would have had a more positive effect on both your personal life, and your financial position? Can you think of anything? Sure you can. 

    How many “,couda”,  “shouda”,  “woulda” things can you think of? C’mon, you know there were some. How about that property you “coulda” bought last year, and “shouda” bought and “woulda” bought, but you didn’t because, (fill in the blanks). Don’t you wish now that you had? You know, the one that appreciated 20% over the past year? You didn’t buy it, did you? But somebody else did. Weren’t  they “lucky?” 

    And how about that weight loss program you started a year ago? Remember, the one that lasted about a week… until those big Mac’s and double cheese burgers, and 32 oz cola’s chased you down and forced you to suck’em up. Yeah, I know, you had good intentions. But here it is a year later, and when you step on the scales you’re telling yourself that you “shoulda” stuck with that diet program, and you “coulda”, and you “woulda” , but you didn’t because, (fill in the blanks). 

    Just think, if you had, you ladies would be wearing that dress size you’ve dreamed about. And you men would have that waist line you’ve been wishing for. So much for wishes. But this year will be different, right? It will IF you really want it bad enough and willing to do what it takes to make it a reality. 

    And how about all you smokers who made a resolution to stop. A year ago you swore you would give up those cancer sticks, didn’t you? And some of you did—for 3 days. But hey, you “coulda” quit, and you “shoulda” quit, and you “woulda” quit, but you didn’t because, (fill in the blanks. (I’ll bet you could have bought a mobile home with the money that went up in smoke.) 

    And remember a year ago how you promised yourself that you wouldn’t use those credit cards again this year to buy all that foolish stuff that you didn’t need, with money you didn’t have, trying to impress people who didn’t care? But here it is a year later and sure enough your cards are maxed out again. And instead of checks showing up in your mailbox, it’s credit card bills for all that useless “stuff” you shouldn’t have bought.  

    Now you get to spend 2009 trying to pay off those high interest charges. And you realize again that you “shoulda” stuck to your promise, and you “coulda” stuck to your promise, and you ”woulda” stuck to your promise, but you didn’t because, (fill in the blanks). 

    Well, enough about last year, what are your goals for 2009? Before you answer, ask yourself this question… “If I do the same thing in 2009, as I did in 2008, where will I be in 2010? Do you like your answer? If not, then you have to start doing something different. Nothing will change until you do.  

    And what about your retirement plans and goals? Have you made any? Or are you too busy living for the present to worry about the future? Research shows that most Americans spend more time planning vacations, than their retirement. And 17% spend no time at all on their retirement planning. So what can you expect when it’s time for you to retire? Will you be able to enjoy financial security without having to worry about money? Or, will you be like the majority of people who reach retirement age and have to live on a “fixed income” that was fixed by somebody else?  

    Folks, the next 20-30-40 years will pass rather you’re financially ready, or not. So in case you’re wondering what your future will be like, all you have to do is take a good look at what your past has been like. If you continue to do the same things, make the same decisions and practice the same habits, then your future will be the same as your past.  

    But if you’ve already settled into a comfort zone you’re happy with, and just want to be average, then do what average people do. Average people go to school, to get a good education, to get a good job, with good benefits, with a good retirement plan. Then after working for a pay-check for 30-40 years, and being paid what someone is willing to pay, you retire on a “fixed income”, draw Social Security, get a part time job, then die. If that excites you, then get in line (the long one) and wait your turn. Or you can join us in the UBA Club (Unemployed Bubba’s & Bubbarette’s Of America.) There’s plenty of room, great people, and the line is short.  

    There will be unlimited opportunities in 2009 if you will train yourself to recognize and act on those opportunities. So develop a wealthy mind-set, financial discipline, and practice good habits. If you do, you can look forward to an early and happy retirement.  

    May 2009 be your greatest year, ever. And it will be if you use your time wisely, and make the right choices.  

    Wishing you all the best for a great 2009, 

    Lonnie Scruggs 

    PS  Setting goals is easy, but Achieving goals what separate the rich from the poor.


P.S.  See Lonnie's books and home study courses at www.LonnieScruggs.net

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