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  • jackie:

    my girlfriend had eye operation 4 years ago; at first she was saying the same thing…that she could not see as well after it,as before it.
    But, then, after more months of recuperation…she saw sooo much better than before the op…..and to this day raves about it….

    take care,

    I don’t understand your answer ….
    if you click here to contact a fsbo seller, how is that generating buyers for a highest bidder sale?

    thk you

    Jackie; I copied/this link…it ended up being for the 1099 article…just so you know…it was NOT the stats of homeownership , etc
    best wishes,

    thk you!!

    Larry, thank you so much.What a help!

    Gregg: thank you. In fact, I had found the owners names/out of town address after leaving the forum…Are you suggesting I contact them now; even though his phone number was on the for sale sign/even though I have spoken with him? He says he is a ‘partner’ with them; ie the elderly woman and her daughter; but I think he is blowing smoke; ie as you are suggesting.

    When I call the owners; should I tell them I had already spoken with him; or just go for it…I just wonder if he will step in at last minute and destroy whatever I negotiate with them directly (ie out of ego, or…?).

    But, he WAS pretty excited about my ‘close fast/all cash’ possibility.

    thk you

    Thk you, Shakil…. sounds very helpful.

    Have also been following Jackie’s suggestion and will now incorporate your solution, also. Thank you so very much!

    thk you, Greg

    Thk you for your input….It seems as tho you are saying that the formula is an approach to balance things out; more than anything else; and that I should be able to use it for my area even tho it is such an expensive area…(?)…..

    And, Yes, I agree that it is primarily our labor costs that are different here; many of my clients who moved here from other towns/even LA have complained about that; and I always have been told that it is since everyone, including all the workers; have to pay higher rent /there fore have higher overhead for simply living here vs virtually every other area in calif. (Ie. even slum-area 1 bedrm condo rentals START at $1800/mo rent here; they….1/1….even in the least desirable areas, sell for min of $300k+) and now that gas prices are higher; that too is affecting how many lower-paid pple can drive here from lower priced communities 30-45+ min away from us (to work). My area is described by Calif Assoc of Realtors as being the highest priced real estate market in Calif; it is very similar to NYC/Manhatten/Upper East pricing w/rentals and house prices.

    But,contractors and handymen in the ‘jobs wanted’ section of the newspapers charge at least $50/hr…so my being able to find one at $20 was a real coup; he just happened to be working for a neighbor on his ranch; and I will not be sharing his name/number with anyone else, that is for sure! He often needs supervision from me; tho; and I wish I could find more at that lower price…… I don’t know how to find more like that….do you have any suggestions?

    We have many immigrants from the South American regions here; and I do speak some Spanish; and have at times found good laborers from that source..

    One of my clients is a rehabber, she is bilingual; and seems to have inexpensive sources but she too has to supervise the workers quite a bit. I suppose I could call/ask her for her suggested names; if she will share.

    Other than that; I don’t know what to do to find the lower cost sources.

    (and the last house we had painted was 2000 sq ft;stucco, one story, and it cost $3000 to have it ptd by a French fellow I had heard of; but he took months to do it so it was not a good thing since it drove the renters crazy to have such slow progress; we learned the hard way on that; but he did do a high-quality job. Our contractor had quoted $5k but would have finished it in a few days. )

    Are there any crew-related courses I could take to learn more about rehab street smarts, etc?

    thk you

    Hank: thank you….


    Hi Everyone:
    I took Jack’s Option Course in San Francisco a few years ago (just as I was reentering the general real estate field as an Agent) but was on a leave until just this summer. I joined Crewealth immediately; and am learning the wholesale techniques, and am brushing up on the Options classwork; and Jackie also recommended I learn Masterleasing. I have many real estate clients; perhaps 1/3 of them are investors; so I will perhaps do some Jt Ventures, too. I am enjoying learning more techniques every day; and will likely do my first deal during October; at least that is my goal. I am based in the Central Coast of Calif right now; so will be focusing on the markets here.
    Donna Ross

    I am focusing on wholesaling to start with; as per your suggestion to me….and I believe you had also suggested master leases…

    I have met more investors via the techniques you list in your ebook;
    * I have noticed (I think; or perhaps am being too sensitive) that they seem to be uncomfortable when they see me (eg at foreclosure auctions etc) going to talk to other possible investors when I have just finished writing down their target areas/etc….
    I know you had said to never ever play one investor off the other; so am concerned about how to handle this; I want to continue to build my list of investors so that I am sure that I have at least the 10 who have all cash to close asap as per your suggestion…I think that I still need to add about 6 more who are all cash; the rest of my investors seem to need 2 weeks to get their money together; or even 30 -45 days….

    Also, I am trying to avoid being sidetracked as you warned against; but I see that the master leasing course (tilney’s) will be taught on the west coast in october….I want to go take that course per your suggesting it to me you think this is too much sidetracking? I also want to take Pete Fortunato’s Money course ; he too will be on west coast but his seminar is same time as Tilney’s unfortunately….In order to profit most during this market; which of the two courses do you think are higher priority for me;an agent and creative investor? Or do you think I should strictly limit my focus to wholesaling for now?

    In about a week I should have all my investors pulled together; and will start looking for the ppts: What is THE fastest, most efficient way to find the properties? I can do mailings, I suppose, but am primarily looking for fast/efficient; and am willing to door knock or whatever it takes to do this first wholesale deal. For a busy person; which methods do you think are higher priority?


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