Real Estate Entrepreneurs – What Sets Them Apart

Topics: Investor Success

Have you wondered what sets real estate entrepreneurs apart from others? This excerpt from one of Jack Miller's books will shed some light on what it takes to be a successful real estate entrepreneur.

I can tell you from personal experience, that the sacrifices are well worth the REWARDS in Personal and Financial Freedom!

The thing that sets Americans apart from the citizens of other nations is their belief in freedom and their optimism that they will always be able to achieve it.  What sets entrepreneurs apart from other Americans is their commitment to the proposition that freedom isn’t possible without a degree of financial freedom; and that they will be able to attain this through their own efforts.  

What sets real estate entrepreneurs apart from other entrepreneurs is that they don’t seek freedom by building massive stock companies, but by creation of income streams that build wealth while enabling them to support their families.  This is a deceptively complex subject that relies upon a wide variety of knowledge, skills, experience, and “street smarts”.  

Ahead of mere financial success must be PERSONAL FREEDOM. 

Below is a rational progression for achieving full, personal freedom:

1.    You won't be free until you can choose where and when you work, and for how much.

2.    You won't have that choice so long as you're dependent on a “job” for your financial support.

3.    To be able to quit your job, you have to work for yourself. 

4.    Ideally, you shouldn't make a radical change to quit your job until you have enough money on deposit in a money market or bank account to support your family for one year. 

5.       You won't have that money unless you can generate after-tax savings from both your job and your entrepreneurial activities.

6.     You won't be able to do that without a command of budget, taxes, business principles, dedication and discipline. 

7.     You won't learn everything you need to know without a lot of hard work, study, and the capacity to tolerate financial mistakes.

8.      When you lose money, your family will lose a portion of its lifestyle, so you'll need their full support while you make the transition from wage earner to entrepreneur.

9.     The more deals you do, the more you'll learn… FASTER!

10.    Each year, you'll make more after-tax money.

At, we have the online training and support to help you learn faster and avoid financial mistakes. 

Best of Success,

Jackie Lange

p.s.  End of the year special… get 12 months of access to for only $197 ( a $200 savings)  SEE DETAILS HERE

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