The Power of Networking

Topics: Investor Success


Every month I go to an Internet Marketing Mastermind Meeting.
Well, it’s not really an official meeting where someone is making a
presentation it’s just a hang out session with a lot of food and
adult beverages.    But there’s a lot of very valuable networking
taking place.

At each meeting for about 30 minutes everyone stops what they are
doing so we can each take time to introduce ourselves to the group
and talk a little about what we’re doing, what good thing happened
in the last month and what we might need some help with.

By doing this we are able to quickly identify who we want to talk
to and where there might be a good connection.

At the last meeting, one guy said he was looking for a good
copywriter and there was a lady there who is a freelance
copywriter.  Another internet marketer needed to get a special
programs written.  There was another person there who specializes
in just that. 

Someone else mentioned that he has a “radio show”.  Come to find
out, it is an internet radio show and he’s looking for ways to get
the word out about it.   I suggested that he add a power point
screen and put it on which is getting tons of traffic
these days.

I talked briefly about my real estate business and the new
membership site, where we provide the best real
estate training at a really affordable price.

That caught the attention of a few people who talked to me about
doing a joint venture. I have no doubt that the one meeting will be
responsible for tens of thousands of dollars in additional revenue
for me just from the contacts I made.

Bottom line, if it weren’t for the Internet Marketing Mastermind
Meeting these people probably would have never connected. 

Well the same kind of networking happens at good real estate

On the breaks or at lunch you have the opportunity to visit with
other investors.  Because you are not in their backyard (no
competition) they are more likely to openly share ideas about how
they are getting deals, which marketing techniques are working
best, and new ideas for selling or renting fast.

With the exception of Jack Miller’s Options seminar next week,
there are not too many really good real estate seminars available
for the rest of 2007.  But you need to make a commitment now to
attend several real estate seminars next year in 2008.  When you’re
really lucky, the seminar is in your own town. But, even if you
have to travel, the best seminars are usually about $1,000 for the
seminar, airfare, hotel and expenses.  There’s certainly no need to
spend $2000 or more for a seminar.

How much are you going to invest in yourself next year?  It’s not
too early to budget for 4 or 5 or more seminars in 2008.  You
should make a commitment now.  As I hear about good seminars, I’ll
let you know about them. 

When I first started in real estate, I made a deal with myself.  If
I wanted to go to a seminar, I had to do a deal to pay for it.  If
I didn’t do the deal I didn’t get to go.  If I wanted to go to the
seminar bad enough ( and I always did) then I made darn sure that I
got the deals done to pay for all the education I wanted so I could
get better at what I do.

Maybe you need to make a deal with yourself too. 

Knowledge is power and you need all of it you can get.  There’s no
reason to settle for a “just barely getting by” real estate
business when you can have a SKY’S THE LIMIT real estate business.
The only difference is what’s between your ears and a little more
effort and knowledge.

The networking opportunities are tremendous at real estate seminars
too… just need to mingle with the crowd and ask questions.
Quite often, you’ll learn just as much from networking as you will
at the seminar!

To YOUR Extreme Success,

Jackie Lange

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