Innovation Sets Your Apart From Your Competitiors

Topics: Investor Success

If you didn't get turned off by the last post, let's see if we can amplify it a little. Can you look back at anything you've ever created, whether it were a completely new idea, or a new application of an old idea? If not, why not? Is it because you are afraid that your ideas are no good? Is it because you're lazy? Is it because you realize that you don't know enough about what you are doing to stray off the path that was beaten down by others who were more knowledgeable, more energetic, or more courageous than you?

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Real Estate is a Confidence Game Continued

Topics: Investor Success

Confidence can't be bought, taught, or based on by some guru whose book, tape, video, website, or class you've bought. It must be earned, one step at a time. That's the bad news. The good news is that you can be in charge of every step in the process to be sure that you acquire the confidence you need as you need it.

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Financial Security Means Having What You Need When You Need It

Topics: Investor Success

Don’t tell this to those who are struggling in the trenches trying to survive the current economic cut back, but ultimately, wealth represents less opportunity than obligation.  If you think being responsible for the care of a pet dog curtails a lot of fun, try being responsible for taking care of the life savings of someone who relies upon you.  I’m not talking about some doddering old aunt; I’m talking about your immediate family.  If you suddenly became dependent upon your parents, or your kids, for food, shelter, clothing, medical attention, and personal care, this could be a crushing blow for your family to sustain.  That’s what portfolio strategies is about; protecting your family from needing to support you.

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Number Crunching Is the Name of the Game

Topics: Investor Success

“There’s no such thing as a free lunch.”  Ultimately, you’ll pay a price for almost everything you acquire.  This can be as obvious as the number on a price tag, or as subtle as unconventional credit terms that can affect value; as has been demonstrated.  Calculation of profit can be equally obvious or obscure depending upon the timing of receipt of payment.  When everything is bought and sold for cash, estimating profit can be pretty simple; but when the cash is borrowed or loaned over time, time greatly impacts cost and profitability.  What you pay, and when and how you pay it versus what you get back - and when and how you get it - control profit.

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Using Imagination to Create Wealth

Topics: Investor Success

I think it might have been Napoleon Hill who said you can’t achieve what you can’t conceive and believe. That sounds like on of those aphorisms you can hear, agree with, and shrug off, but it’s a lot more powerful if you consider the accumulation of wealth for the entrepreneur begins with a vision of himself or herself at the end of the trail when all the rewards start coming in.

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Using Imagination To Create Wealth – Part 2

Topics: Investor Success

We’ve been talking about sub-surface rights. Next comes surface rights. In Florida, a house is usually built on a cement slab on the surface of the land described as a lot. Sometimes it extends below the surface and into the air above the surface, but the land had to support it, or support what was supporting it. Thus, surface rights are often sold without conveying any other rights. Neither the builders nor the occupants mind much if they don’t need other rights.

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Using Imagination To Create Wealth – Part 3

Topics: Investor Success

Back to our building: Once the land is leased at one rate, the land owner might sell the lease to a long term investor such as a pension plan or insurance company and recover much of the cost of the land in the process. Aristotle Onassis freed and cleared all his ships and made $ billions in the process by leasing them to solvent tenants, then pledging his leases for enough money to build the ships. If an investor pays for all an entrepreneur’s costs for a share of the profit, isn’t this about the same thing?

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Overcoming Fear

Topics: Investor Success

Way down inside most people where nobody can see it is a certain level of fear. They might not think of it as fear; they may call it by more acceptable names such as caution, prudence, risk-avoidance, level-headedness, judgment, etc., but it all boils down to an unwillingness to venture into uncharted territory where the future outcome isn’t clearly seen and guaranteed to be safe. I’m not knocking this. It’s kept the human race going since the beginning. On the other hand, fear has kept more people from succeeding financially than any other thing.

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