Wealth Building Options for Your IRA

Topics: IRA/Roth
Wealth Building Options for Your IRA
            In my last article on Option Strategies for Your IRA, I discussed option basics. In this article I will expand on the uses of options and how these strategies might be used to turn small amounts of cash into tremendous wealth in your IRA.
            Simple Options. The most basic type of option is simply to have an option to purchase a piece of property for a specified price within a certain period of time. This is much better than a loan because it is similar to zero percent interest financing. For example, if a Health Savings Account (HSA) has a five year option to buy a piece of property for $50,000.00, then the HSA does not owe any more for the property at the end of the five years than it did at the beginning, yet the HSA effectively controls the property. This amounts to a five year, zero percent interest loan, but with no unrelated business income tax (UBIT)! You could even structure the option to have monthly or yearly renewal fees, so that it feels similar to a regular seller-financed loan for the property owner.  With options all the burdens of owning the property, such as property taxes, insurance, and maintenance, continue to be on the property owner, thereby reducing your IRA’s risk!
            Fix Up and Sell Options. Many investors are familiar with the typical buy, rehab and resell strategy for real estate. Suppose you created a deal in your Roth IRA where the repairs to be done are the consideration for the option? You and the property owner would agree on a specific list of repairs to be done, and the money for the repairs would come from your IRA. The option price would be based on the value of the property in its current condition. When the repairs are done the value of the property will have substantially increased, but your IRA has an option to purchase the property at the lower price. The value of your Roth IRA’s option is equal to the difference between the current, after repair fair market value and the original option price. As discussed in the prior article, your Roth IRA may, among other choices, 1) exercise its option and purchase the property, 2) assign the option for a fee to a retail buyer and let him purchase the property directly from the property owner, or 3) allow the property owner to sell directly to a retail buyer at a higher price while paying your Roth IRA a substantial fee to cancel the option!
            Options on Ugly Property. What do you do if you locate a property that you think could probably be sold for a profit, but it is such a trashy piece of property or has so little equity that you are nervous about your IRA taking title to it? The solution is simple: have your IRA purchase an option from the property owner, stick a sign on the property, and try to find a buyer for the property which will give your IRA a profit. Options under these circumstances can often be purchased with very little money from your IRA. Even if your IRA ends up not exercising its option sometimes, overall this can be an incredibly powerful wealth building strategy.
            Options on Partial Interests. What if there were several heirs owning a property you wanted your IRA to buy, but the heirs did not get along or did not agree to a certain price? Rather than giving up, have your IRA buy an option to purchase each heir’s interest separately. The price would not have to be equal to each heir. Once you have negotiated options with all the heirs, you could add up the price and see if your IRA could market the property for a profit. 
            Low Ball Offers and the Right to Cancel. Suppose you want to make a low ball offer on a piece of property. The seller wants too much for the property, and you think he won’t get his price. On the other hand, he has to sell by a certain date for whatever reason (foreclosure, closing on a new house, moving out of town, etc.). Tell the seller this: “If you sell my daughter’s Coverdell Education Savings Account (ESA) an option to purchase the property for my price, I will give you the right to cancel the option within the next 30 days if you return the option fee plus $2,500.00. That way, if you find someone to pay you more than you would get from me who can close quickly enough you can sell the property to them and cancel the option, but you know you have a guaranteed sale if you can’t sell it to someone else on time.” How’s that for overcoming objections to a low ball offer? Your daughter’s ESA either gets the property at a bargain price or the seller pays her ESA not to buy!
            Long Term Options. Long term options can be particularly powerful within an IRA, especially if your retirement is not imminent. Although many options used by IRAs are for shorter time periods, a long term option can turn out to be a fantastic investment. For example, in Houston, Texas there is an area called the Heights. This is close to downtown and many urban professionals are purchasing property in the area to avoid the horrible commute. Old properties are being purchased by individuals and developers who knock the houses down and build new homes on the lots. It is an area in transition. Prices have skyrocketed. Wouldn’t it be great if your IRA had 5 or 10 year options on several pieces of property in a redeveloping area such as the Heights or in the growth path of a city? Even if the option was to purchase the property for full fair market value or higher in today’s market, the longer term of the option may allow for a natural increase in the fair market value of the property
            Rights of First Refusal. Another technique that can be used either alone or in conjunction with an option is a right of first refusal. A right of first refusal by itself is not an option to buy. It only means that the seller agrees not to sell the property to anyone else before first offering it to the holder of the right of first refusal. This is commonly used in business transactions, and can be used in real estate as well. Sales price and other terms are not typically negotiated in a pure right of first refusal, since it is only the right to buy the property at whatever price and on whatever terms the owner wants to sell. 
            When combined with a long term option, this strategy can pay off even if the option price is as high or higher than the current fair market value. For example, what if your IRA has an option to purchase a property in a growth path area for $100,000.00, and the option has a right of first refusal clause in it. In other words, any time the property owner wants to sell the property to a third party he would have to offer it to your IRA under the same terms. If the property owner wants to sell the property to a third party for $80,000.00, your IRA will also have the option to purchase it for that price because your IRA’s option has a right of first refusal clause. But suppose $80,000 is at or near the current fair market price and so exercising the option is not a good deal for your IRA. Assuming your option agreement is structured in a way that the option does not expire merely because of a transfer of ownership, the new owner of the property will have to take the property subject to that option. This of course limits his ability to sell the property in the future for more than your option price. Also, if a notice of option is filed in the real property records the buyer’s lender may require that the option be released. What is the value of your option under these circumstances, even though it is at a higher price than the current fair market value? The answer is however much the owner and buyer are willing to pay your IRA to cancel the option if that’s what you want!
            Options and Shared Appreciation Mortgages. Has your IRA ever made a hard money loan and you thought, “I’d sure like my IRA to have a piece of that property! What a great deal!” Here is an interesting concept:  loan the money to the investor at a low interest rate in exchange for an option to purchase a certain percentage of the property at the initial purchase price. One investor I know was able to use this method to purchase a property at a discount with a tenant in the property. Because the tenant was already in the property with a long term lease, he could not make the deal work using regular hard money rates. His solution was to borrow the money for the purchase and rehab from a friend’s IRA. The IRA received 6% interest plus an option to purchase a 50% interest in the property at one-half original purchase price. The investor walked away from closing with $3,000 in his pocket, a rental property with cash flow, and 50% of the future appreciation! Another possible structure is a loan with an option to convert from debt to equity.
            Options on Personal Property. Options are most commonly discussed in terms of real estate. However, there is nothing which says you cannot purchase an option on personal property. For example, in many states the beneficial interest in a land trust is considered to be personal property. You may want to have your IRA purchase an option on a discounted note to see if it can be sold for a profit. I have even heard of people having an option in their IRA on automobiles being purchased by an investor at car auctions.
            Options can be purchased in all types of Entrust self-directed accounts, including Roth, traditional, SEP and SIMPLE IRAs, Individual 401(k)s, Coverdell Education Savings Accounts (ESAs), and even Health Savings Accounts (HSAs). Options are so incredibly powerful and flexible that I cannot discuss all the opportunities in one short article. I hope this article has opened your mind to new possibilities for your IRA. As I always say in the context of self-directed IRAs, “I don’t think outside the box, the box is just bigger than you think!”
            H. Quincy Long is an attorney and is President of Entrust Retirement Services, Inc., with offices in Houston and San Antonio, Texas. He may be reached by email at [email protected]. Nothing in this article is intended as tax, legal or investment advice.

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