Invest In You… Lessons From A High Volume Wholesaler

Topics: Wholesaling

Next week I’m leaving for Panama City to go to an Emergency Offshore Summit seminar. I’ll learn more about investing offshore and how to diversify and protect my assets using offshore entities, trusts, insurance and more…

You might we wondering why in the world would someone who’s been a full time investor for more than 20 years, and who does a high volume business, be going to “another” seminar.

The answer is simple!

I’ve probably spent $100,000 in my real estate education.  I’ve been to hundreds of real estate seminars.  But I keep going because I want to learn more.  I keep going because I want to be around like-minded successful people.

I don’t see seminars as an “expense” …. I see them as an “investment” in ME!

Every penny that I spend on seminars I get back tenfold. Every hour that I spend learning more about how to have a better real estate business, makes it possible for me to accomplish more things in less time in my real estate business – it makes it easier.

In fact, I would hate to think where my business would be if I had not invested in my real estate investing education.  I assure you I would not be as successful as I am today.

The lesson this week is that you need to invest in YOU! 

If you ever want your business to grow to the next level, you’ve got to learn new things.

If you ever want your real estate business to get easier, then you need to devote time to learning how to do more deals in less time.

If you ever want to get rid of that JOB, you need to learn how to make a living by buying, fixing, selling, wholesaling, renting, and managing real estate.

You need to learn about money.  You need to learn about asset protection. You need to learn about negotiating and communicating effectively.

There are always trade offs in life because you only have 24 hours in each day.  If you want to do one thing, you have to give up something else.

The big question is which “thing” is the best use of your time that will help you accomplish your short term and long term goals for your business, your lifestyle, your family, and your finances.

There has to be a balance between your family time, work time and the time you invest in your future.  Hopefully, your family understands that the sacrifices you make today by going to seminars to learn how to be more successful in your real estate business will pay off BIG TIME in the future in the extra money you’ll have – but more importantly in the financial security you’ll have.

There are no guarantees in life.

The job you have today – the business you have today – could all go away with the blink of an eye.  The social security check or pension plan you are counting on when you retire could not be there.  It has happened to millions of Americans.

What would you do?

That’s why it is vitally important to learn how to be self-sufficient.  The best way to do that is with real estate.

With a Wholesale Flip business, you don’t need any money, you don’t need good credit and you don’t take on any risk.  That’s why a wholesale business is the ideal way to make money – lots of money – fast.

When you wholesale, you find motivated sellers, negotiate a great deal, then sell the house to another investor who will actually buy it and fix it up.

There are tricks to finding the really great deals.  There are things you need to learn to negotiate a great deal.  There are little things you can say ( or not say) which will help you get the best price.  You need to learn how to quickly estimate repairs.  You need to learn how to have a huge buyers list so you can sell quickly.

Then… when you are ready, you need to learn how to crank it up to have a High Volume Wholesale business so you can do 5 deals a month, 10 deals, 20 deals …. Or more.   You can learn how to sell 10 – 20 houses in one day.  You need to learn how to find and negotiate package deals. You need to learn how to sell your wholesale houses in small bundles.

All risk free!

There’s just not a better way to generate a lot of cash than a wholesale business.  And you can do it all without taking on any risk which is especially important during these uncertain economic times.

Are you ready to make that commitment to invest in YOU?  Are you willing to make the sacrifices now so you can learn how to be financially independent?  Are you ready for your real estate business to get easier?

If you said yes, then you need to check out  You can become a FREE member for instant access to our Community Forum where you can get answers to your questions and help with deals. Learn how to get more leads, do more deals, and use Highest Bidder Sales to increase your profits.


Invest in YOU!

To YOUR Extreme Success,

Jackie Lange

P.S. The more you learn, the more money you will make.  But also, the easier it will be to make money


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