my 1st dr. visit

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  • I woke up Friday with a sore throat. It felt better by sunday so we drove to volcan.
    when we got to a lower elevation, i had lots of pressure in my ears

    monday was sneezing a lot and felt like a sinus infection. Doug got some over the
    counter sinus meds

    went to the dr today. no appt – but was seen right away

    he spoke prefect english. look my temp ( 102) and checked ears, nose and throat
    said i had a sinus and ear infection.

    he gave me ear drops to use, and 5 day supply of antiboiotic. and he told me to take
    the OTC sinus meds and tylenol for ear pain.

    he wrote out details instructions on when to that meds.

    total cost of the visit and drugs == $10

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