Structuring a Note Partial as a Joint Venture (Deal Partner/Capital Partner)

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  • I am seeking ideas on how to property structure the following transaction.

    I have an opportunity to purchase a note partial that would yield 29% annually.
    I am looking to bring in a capital partner to provide the funds for acquiring the partial, in which they would receive monthly payments corresponding to a 15% yield. For bringing the deal and putting this together, I am looking to receive the remainder of the monthly payment over the term.

    I am looking to structure the paperwork so that all parties and interests are accounted for and recorded. Would this simply be 2 separate Note Assignments, with verbiage corresponding to the payments being directed to each party per the agreed upon terms?


    I need time to think your question over.

    We’re about to relocate from Florida to Georgia, to Tennessee, to Georgia, back to Florida over the next 3.5 weeks. Will get back to you on this.

    Bill Cook

    I was heavy in paper in the 80s and early 90s. Can you please explain the note partial that you want to buy. Is there a full payment that you have a right to a part of the payment? It would be easier to get a handle on what is going on if you could explain in a little more detail the entire transaction.

    Don Wede

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