Four Little Piggy’s

Topics: Investor Success

Once there were 4 little piggy’s investing in real estate.  They had offices in the same building and basically farmed the local area.

Piggy 1  Purchased in “Challenging Neighborhoods” and purchase more than 150 houses.  In today’s newspaper there are 3 in foreclosure and 136 delinquent tax notices.
Piggy 2  Met Jack Miller and said he did not know anything so why waste time.  He went bankrupt and has 9 houses on the delinquent tax list.
Piggy 3 Purchase a few properties and was a continual flipper, today after 30 years he is still flipping to try to make a living.  Four delinquent tax bills.

Piggy 4 Listened to Jack Miller Purchased 5 bad homes before realizing bad neighborhoods attract bad tenants Then started to purchase good homes until more than 50 were in good areas.  However loaded with bank loans, Piggy 4 decided to sell on terms to tenants and pay off other homes.  He ended with 20 free and clear.  He leased optioned them for 2.5  million.  The option fee is $5,000 per month renewable for 35 years (payable monthly).  Each year the option renewal fee is $250 per month ($3000 per year)

Moral of the story…Be very careful who you listen to and learn from!  Jack Miller’s training has helped tens of thousands of people become financially free… all while avoiding risks!  Get all of Jack Miller’s Online Real Estate investor training at 

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