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  • Hi Jackie: I noticed on the website is not available. Any approximate date members will be able to access the site to post homes for sale? I figured you are probably working on it.

    We are currently reworking the HighestBidderSale website. When it is finished, it will have a place to advertise your properties for sale AND we will have a surprise too — the surprise will be a way for you to make extra money. Sorry, I can’t tell you the details yet — but more information is coming soon.

    Thanks for your patience

    Aside from the surprise referred to in the previous post, I feel like the HBS site will be just one of many online resources—and probably not the most important one.

    Would the primary visitor to that site be investors? If so, it may be a good idea to raise it’s profile a bit maybe through an email marketing campaign to investors to let them know it’s there and how it could be valuable to them.

    Looking forward to seeing the site when it’s completed!

    Seems to me that the previous HBS website marketed primarily to prospective sellers, which is why I have
    50 double-sided yard signs with that weBsite printed on it. Any ideas on how to salvage these signs without
    Replacing them with new ones ?

    It sounds like the site is being rebuilt? If your signs have that domain name, when the site is rebuilt perhaps they’ll be good again?

    What I’m not certain of is how they get to YOUR listings from that domain name. Did it point to your area within that old site? If so, I’d hit up Jackie to see if some kind of redirect can be put in place for folks like you. The redirect would send your visitors to the area in the new site that’s earmarked for you. NOTE: this is pure conjecture on my part, I don’t know what the website plans are.

    The previous HBS website had a place for motivated sellers to put info about their houses and for YOU to post your highest bidder sales.

    Then we were going to sell a “kit” to motivated sellers and give you the opportunity to sell the kit for a 60% commission. But that’s where we got bogged down i the details and too many other projects pulling us in a different directly.

    So, I’m going to go back to just the basic site where you can post your houses for sale with a highest bidder sale and attract leads from motivated sellers I hope to get this finished by mid-July

    KISS… keep it super simple!

    Thumbs up on KISS.

    Jackie, are your web builders still planning to restore the HBS website soon ?

    It would absolutely NOT be the best place to advertise a Highest Bidder Sale so I have not put a priority on this.

    You’ll reach many more buyers/bidders by advertising on

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