Forum Replies Created

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  • The “Learn more” links in the Ebook products page ( ) don’t seem to be working.
    For example, the link is broken.
    – dan

    If anyone is doing lease/options now I’d like to hear about that.

    Also strategies for finding seller financing deals.
    – dan

    Sorry, Jackie. Your marketing was so good that I signed up anyway (before I got your message not to). Do I need to “unsign up” now?
    – dan

    I’d definitely like to hear more about this in a conference call Jackie.
    – dan

    We had a wood burning fireplace insert in our last 2 houses, and we liked them. They definitely put out the heat. However, getting and hauling the wood is kind of a pain. It seems like around here most people are getting rid of their wood stoves and putting in pellet stoves or propane stoves, mainly because of the convenience.
    – dan

    Jackie – How do you get the properties to sell on a lease/option? I want to try some lease/options, but I was going to buy on a lease/option to get the properties so I could limit my risk and minimize the up front costs.
    – dan

    Yes — the audio wouldn’t play. but I was able to download the mp3 and play that (I had to try a couple of different players, but windows media player seemed to work).

    I wasn’t able to listen in on the conference call, but I wanted to hear the replay. Is it available?
    – dan

    Jackie –
    I voted for you! It took a bit to register on the site but got through that. I noticed that some of the other favorite videos were offering something free that you could get after you voted for them. May you should have directed people to CREWealth and offered them the first month free!

    I go into the forum every day or two, and I click on the “Not Read” to see all of the items that I haven’t read, sorted by latest date. I’ll occasionally post a topic or reply to an existing topic, but I always read them.

    Since the new system is in place I noticed a couple of changes. The first is that I stay logged in so I don’t have to re-login each time. The second was that my username changed so now when I click on “not read” all of the old posts show up as not read. But at least they’re sorted by date so I can just click on the most recent ones.
    – dan

    A Realtor that I know (in CA) says that he cannot pay a fee to someone who refers him a client, so what he does is give them a gift certificate to some store for $500-750, which he says is legal.

    I like the Learning center organized by topic at the first level. After that, the video/audio/text division is not so important. Subcategories, or beginner/intermediate/advanced would be OK.

    One thing that I like is when I go to the Learning Center by default I see the newest items first, so I can tell which items I haven’t seen yet. This makes it easy to see at a glance what’s new. However, if I go into a topic, like “conference calls” or “options”, then I’m stuck in that topic for a few days until it “forgets”. It would be good to be able to go into a topic to drill down into it, then clear that topic to get back to the default behavior of newest items first.

    The main thing that is missing for me is sample documents. It would be very useful to have some samples of some of the documents used for the different techniques. I know that these would need to be reviewed and possibly tailored for different states, but it’s a lot easier to get them reviewed than it is to get a document drafted from scratch.
    – dan

    I wasn’t able to listen to the call live because I have a class on Tuesday night, but I listened to the replay. I think that the people who are causing the problems are not asking any questions and usually not even listening to the call, or they would mute their line. It would be better if you had a limited # of people that could ask questions. Also, it seemed like Jack could not be heard when the line was not opened up, so apparently he didn’t have an access code. If you could have muted everyone else but just allowed Jack to speak, that would have been much better.
    – dan

    Jackie –
    That’s very encouraging to hear that it really can be done here. I’m in Sacramento and I had about given up on the idea of wholesaling, but I’d like to give it a try. I’ll be very interested to hear how your experiment works out. I know that finding the deals is the hard part, but the part that worries me the most is finding the buyers, because I’ve gotten stuck with houses that I couldn’t sell before. Of course, there isn’t really a risk with an option contract.

    Announcing your “experiment” in advance takes confidence, but it also takes guts, since if there are any problems it leaves you open for all kinds of stuff. I’m sure that a lot of “gurus” would just secretly try it, and if it didn’t work out, you’d never hear anything about it. That’s if they had the guts to try it at all.
    – dan

    Jackie –
    That sounds great Jackie. I’d love to do a wholesale deal, but I’m afraid that it just won’t work here (I’m sure you’ve heard that before). Here in Northern CA, the market has gotten so soft and prices have gone down so much, that I don’t see any flippers left to wholesale to. I’m looking forward to seeing how you do it.
    – dan

    Jackie –
    I think your idea about providing some kind of financing to a buyer is going to be really key in this market. There are a lot of people who can’t get loans right now, but who want to get into a house. I think I understand how to do one if I buy a house with seller financing, but I’m not sure how to do it with a subject to or a “wrap”. What kind of paperwork is needed for those? Does that avoid the due on sale, or is it best to notify the lender that you’re now on title to make sure they won’t call the loan later on? Thanks.
    – dan

    Wow Jackie — that’s fast! Thanks. Looks like it’s all working OK now.
    – dan

    Jackie –
    I’m trying to download the audio file, and it doesn’t seem to work the way audio files used to. I’ve downloaded audios before from the telecons and others and they seemed to work fine. But on this one, when I right click on the link and try to save it, instead of an mp3 file I get an aspx link, and it doesn’t seem to download correctly. Also, there used to be a little download arrow on the player that I could also use to download the audio, but on this one I don’t see that arrow. Has something changed?
    – dan

    This sounds really great Jackie! I’m looking forward to the series. Will the book also be available on the site, and will there be an extra charge for the book? It will really help to have some sample documentation to go along with the video.
    – dan

    Jackie –
    How does this home study course relate to the seminar coming up in March? Is it the same material or different? Thanks.
    – dan

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